8 Jun 2014

Comic Con

I went to my first ever Comic Con this weekend with some friends from work. Comic Con is a convention that focuses on films, cult television, gaming, anime and comics. Here's a link to the Belfast Comic Con's website if you wanna have a look. In these events you can see some fantastic Cosplaying. Cosplay (short for costume play) is when people dress up as a specific character. Favorite sources include manga, anime, comic books, video games, and films. Some people go through a huge effort to put together the most amazing costumes. It was really incredible seeing some of the costumes as they were absolutely amazing. Me and my friends all dressed up as well. I went as "Miss Foster" who is a character that appears in one episode of Doctor Who. So I was walking aroud Comic Con with my baby Adipose. Enough talk, here are some photos. Sorry for the poor quality of some of them.

Me as Miss Foster, The Doctor, The Hulk and Batman

Miss Foster, Amy and a Dalek!

The 11th Doctor and Amy Pond <3

Yoda in his backpack this guy has!

Avengers Assemble! Thor, Captain America, Loki and the Hulk

Avengers Asseble! The Hulk, Loki, Thor, Iron Man and The Black Widow

The Hulk and Iron Man having a moment..

Thranduil, Thorin Oakenshield and Gandalf

The Terminator and Hulk

Something for the ladies

Great having a cider surrounded with people in awesome costumes

How cute is this little Darth Vader??

The guys were pretty happy to be in the picture with these ladies

This penguin is ready to go home

Absolutely exhausted but very happy I went home and straight to bed

Can't wait to go again next year!

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